Friday, August 31, 2018

FMF - Rush

This is a Five Minute Friday exercise and today our word is RUSH.
Here Goes.

Rush Rush Rush... every were and everyone is rushing.  
We are like little bees buzzing around walking fast because we have too much to do and to little time to do it in.  
Sometimes it seems like if I can just get through the next few weeks things will slow down. Then BAM three weeks are gone and we have more to do on our plate. It is time to slow down and smell the flowers as someone has said.

We need to learn the art of saying NO.  Sometimes that is no to your kids who want to be in every sport activity there is.  It is best to choose which sport is favorite and which ones need to go.  

My life gets super busy because of responsibilities of work and church and family.  I am learning not to take on other people's responsibilities and lean back a little.  

Rush Rush causes stress and that stress can come out in health issues.  I was even taken out of my office in an ambulance because of stress only to find out after a heart cath that my heart is strong and has freeways for arteries. 

I am learning that the Sabbath Rest is not just so we go to church and worship God, it is a gift God has given us to take some time a rest and not rush.


  1. Aw Karen, this feels like you've given us a snapshot of your busy life. I hope this weekend you'll be able to rest a little rather than rushing and smell the flowers, like you've said.

    Am visiting from Five Minute Friday :)

  2. Once you get entangled in "busy" it's really hard to back up and slow down. In the midst of it, we can sometimes forget what's important. I hope you are no longer in that stressful job, and if you are, I hope you've learned a way to let go of the stress.
    I do believe that even in today's world, God wants us to honor the Sabbath...or at least give Him one day, since people do work on Sunday. (If you think about it, that's what pastors do.)

  3. I have definitely had that thought about things slowing down if I make it through the next few weeks, but then I realised that they are never going to slow down unless I am intentional about making that happen. As you say a big part of it is learning to say no. I enjoyed your post today- visiting from FMF #31.

  4. Great wisdom here.

    Took me a LONG time to see Sabbath rest as a gift, and not time in the penalty box.
