Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Day 2 - I'm Afraid

Day 2  Afraid

Those are powerful words we utter, "I'm Afraid."  

I'm afraid I'll fail.

I'm afraid I can't measure up to what people think.

I'm afraid, there is no money to pay bills.

There are so many things we can put in this sentence.  
So we have to replace our fears with faith in the only one who can bring peace and calm the storms in our lives.  to find the scripture to apply to our needs.  And there is one for every need, every storm under the sun.  

It may be a new era.  A new day in politics.

A new time of technology.

But the same truth in the Word of God is still the same answer for all the newest storms we find ourselves in.  

It is the old old story, but it has new application.

There is not any new storms under the sun.  

We face all the basic same issues they did in old Bible times.  

Lack.  There was a widow that the prophet said go and gather pots and she did and when she had all she thought she needed she shut the door as the prophet said, and God filled the pots with oil she was able to sell and get out of dept.

Healing, many times Jesus Healed and 1 Peter 2:24 says that by His stripes we have been healed.

So don't be afraid, replace your fear with faith and grow on the seed of God's word to run the fear away.

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