Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Worthy of the Calling - Study of Ephesians

Paul, who was known originally as Saul.

Who loved God in religion of the Old Testament and thought he was protecting God's Laws when he persecuted the Christians of the early church, until God stopped him on the road and blinded him in order to open his eyes to God's Ways.  Then God truly opened Paul's eyes and gave him the mysteries of the Kingdom of God.

Paul wrote two thirds of the New Testament.  He wrote to encourage and help those he visited and taught or where he wanted to visit as in the case of Romans.  And God has preserved those writings to be included in HIS holy word to encourage and help us today.  The mysteries of the Kingdom are for us as well.

Sarah Koontz, blogger, speaker, mother, wife, has found herself also writing to encourage and help Believers in the Kingdom of God.

And, you say, who is Sarah Koontz?  Let me tell you that she is a Bible Study author.  Her most resent Free Bible study  is Worthy of the Calling a study of Ephesians.

Sarah has taken Paul's letter to the Ephesians and written a devotional type Bible study to be emailed to whosoever will ask for it.  It only takes about 10 minutes of your day so it is so doable.

This is not an inductive study.  It is a study to bring home key verses to the everyday life of busy women (or men).

One of my favorites is on Day 8, "You Were Created for Good Works", Sarah says

In short, we don’t manufacture good works; we manifest good works. We are simply the riverbed through which God’s goodness flows into a drought-stricken world.

I love the description of being the riverbed through which God's goodness flows. This is not my works, it is not my striving to do. It is being yielded.

To let Holy Spirit work in us.

To let Holy Spirit work for us.

To let Holy Spirit work through us.

To let us be his hands and feet in the earth today.

There are many other favorites quotes probably every day.

I was honored to be part of Sarah's launch team. This was a first time for me to be part of a launch team and I learned so much besides the fun the team had together and getting to preview the study. So yes, I have read the entire 31 days but I am just as excited to get each day's email and click on the scriptures reading and read Sarah's thoughts.

If you have not yet, joined the hundreds who are going through Ephesians to walk Worthy of the Call. I encourage you to go to www.SarahKoontz.com/worthy and sign up.

It won't cost you anything - its free.

It will only take about 10 or 20 minutes each day.

It will be as available as your phone or wherever you get your email.

Let's step up and learn to walk Worthy of the Call. Because we are all called.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing my study on your blog, Karen. I really love the riverbed illustration too. I'm hoping to find time to write a whole blog post on it someday. I love the extra background info you gave on Paul in this post. It's been a joy to get to know Him a bit better through this study of Ephesians, and I look forward to tackling another one of his epistles at some point in the future. I'm so glad you joined the launch team and happy to know it was a good experience for you.
